A Way Of Life.
Guardians Of The Land.
Our farming families treasure their land and pastoral heritage and have a resolute commitment to environmentally sustainable methods of farming. Many are third or fourth generation farmers who see themselves as caretakers of the land, just as their ancestors were. For most of our farmers, they’re not just raising animals on their land, they’re also raising the next generation; tending and teaching their children the ways of the land to carry on their farming heritage.
Our farmers know that farming sheep naturally helps to control weeds and clear undergrowth in forest and wooded areas. Sheep minimize erosion and recycle nutrients back into the soil, encouraging natural plant growth.
Nurturing Our Animals And
Delivering Assurance.
TK Natural lamb is raised with the utmost respect and compassion. This means ensuring our sheep have quality of life – that they’re well fed and watered, and spend their days in a healthy environment with minimal strain and stress. All TK Natural Lambs are raised from birth to harvest on a natural 100% grass and clean water diet under one of two robust Farm Assurance Programmes (FAPs). These FAPs enable us to market our product with assurances in terms of origin, traceability, bio-security, animal health and welfare, integrity and authenticity.
This programme incorporates and is fully inclusive of the National New Zealand Farm Assurance Programme (NZFAP). Additionally, it requires lambs to be antibiotic and hormone free and raised in compliance with the North American Non-GMO Project Standard; The latter which recognises the lambs have not been fed any Genetically Modified Feed. This programme requires an independent audit every three years.
This programme is founded on the internationally recognised Global Animal Partnership (GAP) 5-step animal welfare rating standards for sheep. Additionally, it requires a strict chain of custody and that lambs are antibiotic and hormone free and raised in compliance with the North American Non-GMO Project Standard; The latter which recognises the lambs have not been fed any Genetically Modified Feed. This programme specifically enables us to fully service and supply product to Whole Foods Markets in the USA and requires an independent audit every 15 months.

All TK Natural Lamb is supplied in accordance with the Non-GMO Project standard, which has wide recognition particularly in North America. This standard requires assurance that the lambs have not been fed any Genetically Modified Feed. In New Zealand this means not fed any imported lucerne, imported stock feed, grain or grain by-products, or compounded or manufactured stock feed.

Bill and Sue, Rahiri Farm.
Rolling hill country: 1062 acres / 430 hectares.
“My wife and I are proud to have farmed here in the North Island of New Zealand since my Grandfather purchased an initial block of land in 1945. Since then we have continually developed the property and added adjoining blocks of land. Our property runs up onto a 3500 hectare (8645 Acre) sanctuary forest that holds many native birds and some of our most endangered wildlife species. As a founding partner in the sanctuary, we gifted the use of 30 hectares of our native bushland to this sanctuary in perpetuity.”
Brendan and Trudy,
Hilldene Partnership.
Rolling medium hill country: 1704 acres / 690 hectares.
“Our property came into the family when my Grandfather purchased a block of land here in 1941. This is quite a special location to farm. Sheltered from the extremes of nature, our farming area receives plenty of sunshine and reliable rain, allowing us to grow grass all year round. The farm’s unique characteristic is its 90 metre tall Limestone bluffs, complimented with cave structures and pure water resources.”
Anthony and Dani,
Ridgeway Farms.
Rolling hill country: 1012 acres / 410 hectares.
“We’re third generation farmers and my family have been tending this area since my Grandfather started farming here in 1927. We are fortunate to have very fertile soils, a natural spring water supply and pockets of native bush with an abundant native bird life. We farm all our stock on a 100% grass fed basis, and all stock is raised without antibiotics, added growth hormones or any genetically engineered feed.”